Ok, so I know that plenty of folks out there regularly run long runs of 15-20+ miles. I, however, am not there yet. So having only run up to 7 miles before, I decided that yesterday I was going to at least make it that far. The longest I had run since my 10k on March 31st was about 4 miles.
I set out with as zen an attitude as I could muster and The New Pornographers on my iPod. I tried to start out easy, smoothly moving along through mile 1. When my Garmin beeped, my pace was about 11:21 -- what?! That's not my "easy" pace! My "easy" pace is (was) 12:30! Ok, time to slow it down, I have to cover ground here. So I slowed down (so I thought) and came in at mile 2 -- 11:26. At that point I figured, hey, I've been increasing distance and doing speedwork, maybe my easy pace has improved! So I just ran the rest of the run without looking at pace, only paying attention to distance and trying to focus on feedback from my body on what felt good.
It's amazing how much different 8 miles can feel than 7. I found myself going through phases of feeling through this run, much like the rollercoaster of a relationship. My internal dialogue shifted drastically mile to mile, something like this:
"Ouch, my calves are tight. How long will it take for me to warm up? This is hard."
"Ok, feeling good, feeling loose. Nice and relaxed, easy. Breathe. I love this. Beautiful evening."
"Breathe deep, don't panic. It's ok. Keep going. Relax. You can do this."
"Oh man, I am in such a groove. I could do this all day. This is awesome."
....and so it went, until I finally reached mile 8. I couldn't believe I had done it, sore knees and all. Success achieved! When I finally stopped running I sort of had to regain my bearings, my legs were a bit noodley and I nearly fell down. I had to walk it off for a minute, it kind of felt like when you get off a roller coaster and you still have that feeling of momentum. When I started out the run it was bright sunlight outside, and I even had sunglasses on. By the time I finished it was starting to get dark out and I had ditched the sunglasses. Holy long run!
I came inside and got myself together, hydrated (I didn't bring any fluids but I may start stashing them under neighbor's bushes, I hate carrying things), and plugged in my Garmin to see my results out of curiosity. Final verdict -- 8 miles in 1:33:13 with an average pace of 11:39. WHOA! My 10k race pace was 11:37. I had no idea I had done this well. I was just running what felt good at the moment. Of course, everyone has those days that suck and those days that feel awesome, where you just say to yourself "Let's open this bitch up and see what she can do!" This run had moments of badassness but I think due to the distance, I had my ups and downs. But overall I am VERY happy with my performance and I can now add a new distance to my resume. At this distance and with this time, I am right on course for my half marathon goal -- 13.1 miles in 2:30 (stretch goal of 2:25). I could run the rest of my 5 miles at 12 minute pace and still be on course for this goal so I am very pleased. I do, however, have a whole new appreciation for what "long runs" truly involve. 13.1 miles is a distance to be respected, and the marathon distance is just out of this world to me at this point. But I am happy to see progress and am excited for the journey ahead. (Sidenote: I also have my first black toe. Icky, I know, but the third toe from the left on my left foot is black at the tip from yesterday's run! I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of proud. And grossed out.)
As most of you know, I also have a bit of a Lululemon addiction, and since I work at the mall I am in that store all the time. I got some lovely items yesterday -- in particular, I really love anything in the Flash color (obnoxious neon pink). The Cool Racerbacks are quite possibly my favorite item of clothing ever and are by far my favorite warm-weather running item of clothing. They're all I reach for. I think I have 7+ of them now. Yesterday I got one in the lime color, as well as the Vinyasa scarf in Flash (been waiting on this for weeks!) and a special edition Swiftly Short Sleeve with the jacquard mesh. Photos below!!
Vinyasa scarf in Flash
Cool Racerback with Vinyasa scarf
Special edition Swiftly Short Sleeve in Flash
Close-up of jacquard mesh detail in Swiftly Short Sleeve
Anyway, I need to stop spending money now because I'm pretty much broke. But there always seems to be justification for new running clothes -- right? I mean, I wear them, I work hard in them, they need to perform. Or maybe that's just my "but I WANT IT!" self talking. Ha.
Time to rest up for speedwork tonight at the track -- fun! That is, if I can manage to make my broken legs do much of anything, haha. Hope your running week is going well!
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